Quietly calling role at dinner (acknowledging everyone at the table)
Calling role while walking down the street with people (Da Da, Mommy, Me Me, Pa Pe – check, check, check, check)
Exclaiming “GOOOOOOOOO” as he starts down the sidewalk
Sort of getting the concept of Stop and Go
Walking in circles on command
Walking backwards (on command)
Flapping his arms like a bird on command
Winking (or very close to it anyway)
Reading books or playing quietly by himself occasionally
Climbing onto the ottoman himself
Looking at us in all seriousness and repeatedly raising his eye brows until a breaking point of his own laughter
Saying “two” and sometimes seems to get the concept of having two grapes, or two hands, or two balls, or two whatevers
Walking in the grass or on rocky surfaces
Saying “weee” when he goes down hills (even the slightest) and saying “up up up up up up” as he goes up hills of even the slightest incline
Building his own lego “trucks”
Eating halibut & salmon
Using a spoon to eat his own yogurt and applesauce
Using his yogurt and applesauce as hair product
Doing a routine that involves crossing his arms, pointing at his cheeks, covering his eyes, and shrugging his shoulders (some sort of act)
Not enjoying baths as much
Swallowing grapes and other fruits he usually sucks on and spits out